
Are You Wasting Your Life? This Six-point Checklist Will Tell You

Intuition Love&Happiness

The average human lives for 27 000 days. A third of that time is spent sleeping. This leaves you with the scary amount of just 18 000. Can you afford to waste even one more minute?

Are you making the most of every moment? Are you living to your full potential? Do you feel satisfied, happy and pleased with your life?

If you’re doing any of the following six things, you are most likely left feeling unfulfilled. But fear not. We have the solution.

1) Surrounding yourself with the wrong people

At Synctuition we’re big fans of the African, humanist philosophy called Ubuntu. At its most basic, it states that:  ‘A person is a person through other people’. Who you choose to associate with will have an influence on who you are. This means that surrounding yourself with narcissists, manipulators, and abusers will lead to deep unhappiness. If you’re a fundamentally decent and good person, you will most likely hope and believe that people can change, and they often do. But there also comes a point where you need to cut your losses and admit that a relationship may be permanently toxic. Knowing when to do this requires well-developed intuitive powers.

2) Complaining without acting

We all need to vent and let off steam from time to time, and this is mostly a harmless form of stress management. But if you’re a habitual complainer you may be forming an emotional trap that you will find it very hard to escape from. Science has proven that defaulting to complaints and negativity actually rewires your brain to automatically see the worst in any situation.

Thinking positively is not only a better use of your time, it may also become a self-fulfilling prophecy, leading to increased happiness.

3) Being too stubborn or proud to ask for help

Humans are social animals. Our evolution and place in the world are both largely thanks to our ability to cooperate with one another. By refusing to ask for help, you are negating one of nature’s great gifts. You end up stuck in a situation or with a problem that may be easily solvable. Again, we return to the concept of Ubuntu. We live our lives through others. No one looks dumber than the one who fails when help was at hand.

4) Letting others make your life decisions

According to Bronnie Ware, a hospice nurse who’s listened to thousands of patients reckon with the inevitable end of life, there’s one regret that is more frequent than all the others and it isn’t what you expect – living your life according to others’ expectations rather than your own true desires.

“This was the most common regret of all,” she says. “When people realize that their life is almost over and look back clearly on it, it is easy to see how many dreams have gone unfulfilled.”

There are many reasons we do this, from societal or peer pressure to a natural tendency towards conformism. The most damaging reason, however, is a lack of trust in our decision-making abilities. This is where Synctuition can really help you, as you learn to listen to and trust your inner voice, you realize that no one makes better decisions about your life than yourself, fully empowered and in control.

5) Chasing short-term pleasures instead of long-term happiness

Scientists have found that we experience two types of happiness. The first type, known as eudaimonic well-being, is happiness associated with a sense of purpose or a meaning in life. This is the happiness one feels in a child’s achievement, knowing that your good parenting has paid off, or the happiness we feel when helping others or fulfilling a long-term goal.

The second is hedonic well-being, which is the short-lived satisfaction we get from sating a desire. Shopping or binge eating may feel instantly good, but science has also shown that they create a sense of anxiety if sought out habitually or used as a substitute for real, earned happiness.

6) Ignoring your feelings and emotions

This issue may be much more prevalent in men, but it has reached almost epidemic proportions in Western society. ‘Don’t be so emotional’ is often used as a stick to beat people with, while society paints women as emotional, irrational and therefore inferior. Men are taught to value rationality above all else and scorned and belittled for showing their emotions. Yet almost every single great thinker in human history has been forthright about their reliance on intuition. Scientists have labeled intuition the highest form of intelligence and everyone from motivational speakers to psychologists are constantly telling us of the power and reliability of intuitive thinking. This may be the hardest habit to break, as it has been so ingrained in many of us. Yet you must. In order to live a happy, fulfilling life, you need to understand your needs, feelings, and emotions completely.

Synctuition has been developed over a decade to help people access their intuition, increase their feelings of happiness, joy, and fulfillment.

Let us help you strike out the items on this checklist as you go on a journey to your best self. We promise you that you will enjoy the trip, while the end destination will change the way you live.