Intuition Love&Happiness

Improve Your Intuition: Practical Insights & Tips from the Experts

Using your innate intuitive abilities offers the key to health, happiness and success, but just like any other ability, you need help in developing your intuition. Regular meditation, deeply relaxed states, and the brainwave stimulation offered by Synctuition’s unique binaural audio program will help you hone your skills and improve your intuition. Here are five […]

Blog Meditation Science

Why does Synctuition use real natural sounds?

The Japanese have the term Shinrin-yoku which means “taking in the forest atmosphere” or “forest bathing.” Developed during the 1980s and the subject of feverish research, mostly in Japan and South Korea, it refers to the many health benefits proven to accrue when we spend time in a living forest. What humans have known instinctively […]


Less anxiety and fear

Claustrophobia, fear of flying and fear of heights are among the most common phobias. All around the world, people have specific phobias, which trigger negative reactions at unexpected moments. While phobias have been proved to be irrational, people who suffer from them are powerless and lack control over the negative consequences these terrors can have […]


You Can’t Have A Healthy Body Without A Healthy Mind

When exploring the realm of the more metaphysical understanding of this physical world, we realize that the mental “body” and physical body are part of the same organism existing in a symbiotic exchange of energy and neural substances. Whether these substances are in the sphere of neurochemistry or networks of physical neurons, they have an […]

law of attraction

Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is the universal law that dictates that positive thoughts are magnets for positive life experiences, and negative thoughts are magnets for negative life experiences.  Staying focused on the good and positive things in your life will automatically attract even more good and positive things. As easy as it sounds, many people […]



Happiness, what all of us pursue in this world. We spend our lives figuring out how to be happy. We pursue happiness in romantic relationships, professional lives, hobbies, and more.  Nowadays, happiness seems to be about ticking boxes and following the latest lifestyle trends. Many of us struggle to keep up and feel lost when […]



As children, we think we can conquer the world, be anything we want. But somewhere between childhood and adulthood, our enthusiasm and natural inclinations to dream big are crushed. When it comes to raising our confidence, there are lots of mixed messaged out there. Modern self-esteem boosting jargon is all about “believe in yourself” and […]



Creativity is one of the greatest qualities of humankind. Renowned scientists, artists, and business people attribute their success to their enormous creativity; a powerful tool that helped them to leave a mark in the world. Yet, many people tend to neglect their creative instincts. From an early each, we are stripped of our creativity in […]



They say that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. This couldn’t be further from the truth. A strong memory actually depends on the vitality and health of the brain. Whether you are memorizing the words of a new language or are a student revising for a final exam,  a senior looking to preserve […]



Motivation is that special fuel that drives you to achieve your goals. It’s what keeps you optimistic and determined to succeed even during the toughest of times. Yet, figuring out how to motivate yourself it’s a challenge. Too often, you find yourself trapped in a never-ending spiral of procrastination. You can’t be bothered to get […]

Problem solving

Problem solving

For every problem in the road of life, there is a solution. Most of the time, this doesn’t seem so obvious. When we face a difficult obstacle, we experience fear and a great deal of stress.  The body’s response to difficult situations is to release stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. Although these hormones […]


Intuitive awareness

Does intuitive awareness matter? One of humanity’s most brilliant minds, Albert Einstein, believed that intuition was “the only real valuable thing.” Einstein attributed his success to his intuition, famously saying “the intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and […]


Control over thoughts

How many thoughts do we get per day? Some have estimated that the number is somewhere between 20.000, 50.000, or even 70.000. It cannot be denied that, throughout the day, our mind conjures dozens, or even hundreds of images, sentences, impressions. Unfortunately, plenty of these thoughts are deeply negative and stressful.  Experts believe that our […]


Better sleep

“Sleep is that golden chain that ties our health and bodies together”. Sleep is essential for preserving balanced health. In fact, shortly after we are born, sleep plays a significant role in our development. As we get older, sleep influences our mental and physical health.  Yet, in our modern world, sleep has become more and […]


Our tips to beat the Monday blues

Mondays. Urgh. Most of us hate them with a passion. That feeling when you know that this is the furthest away you could possibly be from the weekend and that there are five days of toil and labour ahead of you.  Some people hate Mondays so much that it even spoils their Sundays, as the […]