Category: Sleep
Sleep Meditation: How to Rest Your Body and Mind
After a long day at the office, you yearn for a night of much-needed rest. You’re tired, sleepy, and waiting for that very precious moment when your head finally hits the pillow. Instead, you find yourself thinking about endless to-do lists and remembering past conversations. The results? You aren’t able to enjoy a good night’s […]
7 Natural Ways to Deal with Depression
“The world is a much better place than you think it is.” That was the core message of Hans Rosling’s international best-selling book “Factfulness”. And while Rosling was able to provide a substantial range of statistics, there is something quite worrying behind this mirage of positivity. In contrast to a lot of positively trending statistics, […]
Suffering from Insomnia? Relax your Mind with Binaural Beats
You stay up late at night rolling from side to side. You look for a comfortable position or you start counting up to a hundred…and yet, falling asleep is impossible. Good sleep quality is vital for your physical and mental health. Sadly, millions of people around the world struggle to get that much-needed. Known as […]
Too Worried To Sleep? Easing Anxiety-induced Insomnia
Sleeping is so hard when you can’t stop thinking. Too often, negative thoughts lead to anxiety-induced insomnia, depriving us of a much-needed rest after a long day. Millions of people across the world suffer from insomnia and other sleeping disorders. Given the current health emergency, the number of people experiencing sleep deprivation has dramatically increased. […]
Waking Up in the Night? Try These 5 Mindfulness Exercises
It’s 2:03 am. You’re lying awake, watching the numbers on the clock tick past, wishing you could get back to sleep. Maybe you’re doing some mental math: “If I fall asleep now, I can get four hours of sleep before it’s time to get up. Then, another hour passes by. And inevitably, when you finally […]
The Best Method for Enhancing Your Dreams and Having Restful Nights
You have gained the ability to fly. You are running from a threatening figure lurking in the dark. Or, you suddenly win the lottery. These are the kind of scenarios that are completely plausible during dreams. Dreams can be entertaining, hilarious, or downright disturbing. Imagine if you could have only pleasant and beautiful dreams. Sounds […]
This is the Missing Step in Your Sleep Hygiene Routine
Many times, we find ourselves looking for that magic pill or formula that will solve all our problems. Ideally, this remedy will make us happier, healthier, more motivated, and more fulfilled. We seek this solution through a new workout routine, balanced diet, an actual drug, or even unhealthy coping mechanisms such as smoking or drinking. […]
Falling Asleep Easily and Waking up Refreshed: Giia’s Story
Everything happens for a reason or all things fall into place. You may have heard one of these sayings. Indeed, many of us believe that everything in this world has an intrinsic nature that is not so obvious to us. We take comfort by attributing meaning to these events that happen without any conceivable reason. […]