Category: Success in Business

Love&Happiness Success in Business

What Separates “Good” from “Truly Great”?

In the world of sport, there is an upper-tier reserved for the legendary, the greatest. But what is it that makes them great, or even the best? Scientists believe that the differentiating factor lies in the brain, not the body. “Beneath the helmet, under that unruly curly hair, inside the cranium, there is something we […]

Love&Happiness Success in Business

Get Ready to Take a Shortcut to Success

How would you answer the question: When are you ready for success? With the answer “Now”? “Yesterday?” “No thanks, I enjoy failure?” If you’ve been working hard to achieve some success in an aspect, or all aspects, of your life, you get discouraged when it doesn’t show up in time. So is there such a […]

Love&Happiness Success in Business

Visualizing success through focus

Motivational speaker, life coach and politician, Les Brown says: “You must see your goals clearly and specifically before you can set out for them. Hold them in your mind until they become second nature.” What exactly constitutes deep mental focus? Is it Zen-level singular focus, or is it the rather more achievable “almost asleep” state? […]

Woman in the office
Success in Business

Mindfulness at Work Creates Strong-Minded Employees

Mindfulness isn’t something you can place in your offices like a coffee machine or couch. Sure, there are stress balls on every desk and you even have a masseuse visiting the office once a week. You pride yourself on having a progressive, modern workplace where people are encouraged to be relaxed and keep stress down. […]

Love&Happiness Success in Business

Confidence: The Cornerstone of Success. Here’s How to Regain Yours

What Confidence Looks Like Some of the most successful people in the world exude an almost surreal air of confidence. Think of Steve Jobs wearing the same pair of jeans and black turtleneck every day while ruling a technological empire. Similarly, Mark Hamill’s conviction as he addresses thousands of fans with humorous anecdotes, barely blinking […]

Intuition Success in Business

Advanced Intuition: What They Don’t Tell You About Success

If you read books about cultivating successful habits like “7 habits of highly effective people” by Stephen R. Covey or even “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill, the two principles underlying the list of things to practice, stand out: Achieving success is a habit, based on effective habits. These habits are based on moving […]

law of attraction
Blog Law of Attraction Success in Business

7 Ways To Achieve Success With The Law of Attraction

What is the equation for success? Too often, we envision our plans and our future and get frustrated when we see no results. Is there something amiss? The truth is, we are always creating our reality. Negative thoughts lead to negative emotions and situations, whereas positive thoughts lead to the kind of mindset needed to […]

Blog Health&Fitness Meditation Success in Business

10 Tips To Manage Stress While Working From Home

Whether you’ve started to work from home or have been doing it for a while now, you may be going through several challenges. You might be able to skip your daily commute and spend more quality time with your loved ones. But, on the other hand, the lack of structure, abundant distractions, and scarce social […]

Blog Success in Business

Are Flow States the Key to Optimal Performance?

Have you ever been completely immersed in a task, oblivious to the rest of the world? You were so involved in this particular activity that time simply flew by. Your energy is at 100% and you are enjoying every single minute of it. Maybe, you’ve been doing something you love and are really good at. […]

Success in Business

Making it in Hollywood: Why Some Do and Some Don’t

The list of Hollywood has-beens is longer than the distance covered by a Space X  trip to orbit and back. But then you look at the Hollywood Walk of Fame and you see that there’s a shorter list of those that graduate to classics and evergreens because of their ability to span years and decades […]