Sound Therapy for Emotional & Mental Wellness –
Discover the transformative power of sound therapy at for enhanced emotional wellness & mental clarity. Achieve mental peace and improved wellbeing through therapeutic sound waves.
Do you know how some people just seem to make ‘lucky’ choices in life? They can make super-fast decisions given a choice, and later, people marvel at what smart choices they made. You know the type. Are they just lucky? Or smarter than the rest of us? More decisive? Luckier instincts? It may be that […]
Mindfulness isn’t something you can place in your offices like a coffee machine or couch. Sure, there are stress balls on every desk and you even have a masseuse visiting the office once a week. You pride yourself on having a progressive, modern workplace where people are encouraged to be relaxed and keep stress down. […]
Inner happiness is a nexus of many circumstantial things. It’s far more than the absence of disease. It’s a mental or emotional state of well-being that can be defined by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. However, even the most carefully composed checklist of factors that would lead to happiness, is a […]
Have You Ever Heard of 3D Sound? Can you tell the difference between mono sound and stereo? If you were scanning through radio stations, would you be able to tell if you were listening to music in mono or stereo sound? More specific, and harder to identify, is the difference between high bitrate versus MP […]
The average human lives for 27 000 days. A third of that time is spent sleeping. This leaves you with the scary amount of just 18 000. Can you afford to waste even one more minute? Are you making the most of every moment? Are you living to your full potential? Do you feel satisfied, […]
We all know and have felt varying levels of stress throughout our lives. We have both learned and deep-seated responses to stress. From all the layers deep down at the bottom innermost pathways of the limbic brain to the more easily accessed conscious layers, we are still subject to “fight or flight” as well as […]
Intuition, now that it has gained as much scientific credibility as it has had esoteric respect in the past, is widely accepted as a mode of intelligence and cognitive capacity. It has always been grouped with processes far closer to instinct than to conscious rational deduction. Yet at the very same time, it seems to be […]
Intuition is the process where the brain uses results from previous experiences, plus current environmental cues, to aid decision-making. You make a decision so quickly it almost seems unconscious. Or, perhaps more accurately, pre-conscious. It’s a decision you make before your conscious mind can think through the process. If you are lucky, the rational conscious […]
The Highest Form of Intelligence Countless studies have shown the importance of honing your intuition for use in decision-making. Even the likes of Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs, Carl Jung, and Richard Branson insist that the value of our intuition far outweighs that of the rational mind. So, how can we hone our intuition to help […]
How Much Does Happiness Cost, Anyway? In some ways, it’s true that money can buy happiness. Of course, that’s an oversimplification. But, we can buy some of the things that contribute to our happiness. For the rest of the things that money cannot buy, learning to control how we use our precious energy responding to […]
What Confidence Looks Like Some of the most successful people in the world exude an almost surreal air of confidence. Think of Steve Jobs wearing the same pair of jeans and black turtleneck every day while ruling a technological empire. Similarly, Mark Hamill’s conviction as he addresses thousands of fans with humorous anecdotes, barely blinking […]
What Does it Mean to be in Control of Your Life? Generally speaking, it is when you are healthy in body and mind and you feel good about your life circumstances. When you feel like you are in control of your life, it leads to an overall sense of happiness. In contrast, when you feel […]
Trusting your intuition would seem like the easiest thing in the world to follow. After all, we all have it, and we all use it at some point or another. No matter whether we are overtly aware of it or just go with the flow of life. Have you ever just felt the urge to […]
We all know the term: Mother’s Intuition. Did you know that your intuition improves when you become a mother? Firstly, I’ve always had a strong intuition. A sixth sense if you prefer to call it that. To a large extent, I trusted my intuition to make the right decisions about most things, but once I […]
If you read books about cultivating successful habits like “7 habits of highly effective people” by Stephen R. Covey or even “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill, the two principles underlying the list of things to practice, stand out: Achieving success is a habit, based on effective habits. These habits are based on moving […]