Anxiety Blog Health&Fitness Meditation

Meditation for Children With Anxiety: A Simple Guide

Have you ever experienced intense worry about a situation you are in or what will come next? Does your heart race or do you breathe faster whenever this happens? This is anxiety, a normal part of life that can affect anyone, even small kids and teenagers. After all, growing up comes with many changes that […]

Blog MindSpa

Synctuition Becomes The Biggest European Meditation App

Recent data by Sensor Tower found that Synctuition became the highest-grossing meditation app in Europe in 2020. Our revolutionary combination of 3D sounds and relaxation practices is making a positive impact, not only on the continent but across the world. We are touching more and more hearts, and helping people experience the transformative power of […]


The Frequency of Happiness

“To discover the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration” — Tesla. Everything that science has taught us about the mind is wrong. No matter how much we try, the mind still cannot be measured, categorized, predicted, or reproduced in any way that would satisfy our burning questions. Indeed, the existence […]

Blog Monthly Positivity Sleep

Falling Asleep Easily and Waking up Refreshed: Giia’s Story

Everything happens for a reason or all things fall into place. You may have heard one of these sayings. Indeed, many of us believe that everything in this world has an intrinsic nature that is not so obvious to us. We take comfort by attributing meaning to these events that happen without any conceivable reason. […]

Blog MindSpa

Synctuition is Bringing Mindfulness and Deep Relaxation to Telia

Our jobs play a huge role in our lives. Not only do they pay the bills, but they’re a source of inspiration and human connection. Even if we love our jobs, responsibilities, unexpected obstacles, and the desire to advance our careers often lead to stress and anxiety. During Mental Health Awareness Month, Synctuition seeks to […]

Blog Science

Neuroplasticity – How to Rewire Your Brain For Calmness

Neural plasticity refers to the brain’s capacity to change as a result of experience and it is something that excites me. For years, we believed that, when the brain reached adulthood, it was in a fixed state and could not be changed unless by deterioration caused by aging. However, we now know that the brain […]

Blog Success in Business

Mindfulness in the Workplace? Discover 6 Efficient Ways to Implement it

Our jobs play a significant role in our lives. From paying the bills to advancing our careers, and giving us a sense of purpose. And yet, even if you love what you do, it can get stressful. We are only human after all. So deadlines, presentations, phone calls, and unexpected obstacles can cause stress and […]

Binaural Beats

Synctuition: The World’s first Mindfulness App fully recorded in Spatial Audio

Today, the music aficionados rejoice as Apple music announces spatial audio as the most recent addition to their song catalog. To see that the innovative power of spatial audio is being discovered by more and more people around the world is truly fascinating. Over 10 years ago, the Synctuition team embarked on an exciting adventure. […]

Blog Meditation

“Just Relax” Doesn’t Work – Here’s What to Do Instead

Have you ever heard the words “just relax”? Whenever you are stressing over a pending deadline or an upcoming exam, a well-meaning friend may offer these two words of comfort. But, if you’ve found yourself in these stressful situations, you know that “just relaxing” is by no means easy. Even when you are about to […]

Woman meditating
Blog Monthly Positivity

Reconnecting with My True Self: Heli’s Story

Have you ever felt out of touch with your true self? Do you struggle to find something that enriches your mind and helps you feel in “synch”? If so, you aren’t alone! As human beings, we possess a very curious (if not eerie!) skill — that of creating distance between our thoughts, emotions, and desires […]

Healty body and mind
Blog Monthly Positivity

Savoring Life: A Gift To You

Savoring. What does that word bring to mind for you? For me, I imagine slowing down, lingering over what I’m doing or noticing, discerning details that have previously escaped me, and enjoying the whole experience. Let’s dive deep into what “savoring” means, why it is important, and what you can do start savoring life.  What […]

Blog Meditation

Taming the Mind: Richard’s Story

“What consumes your mind, controls your life,” how true is that? Our thoughts have a great and uncanny power, which we often struggle to understand. What we think about an event or situation inevitably leads to an emotional response. Emotions lead to actions and actions lead to outcomes. In this way, our minds can shape […]

Blog Love&Happiness Meditation

How to Love Yourself on Valentine’s Day (and every day)

It’s that time of the year again: Valentine’s Day. On this special occasion, we show our love and gratitude to the special people in our lives. We purchase flowers, chocolates, greeting cards, and anything else that says “I love you” and “I care about you”. Yet, while you celebrate love and all its forms, don’t […]

Blog Meditation

Calming the Monkey Mind: 7 Mindful Steps

Ever felt overwhelmed by your own thoughts? Like your mind is a noisy place full of incessant chatter. One thought leads to another and another… You try to focus on the present moment, but your attention wanders far away. This phenomenon is known as “the monkey mind”; a state of inner restlessness and distraction. You […]

But there's more
Blog MindSpa

Behind the Scenes of Synctuition’s Levels & Worldclass Content

You have reached the end of another wonderful journey with Synctuition. You are feeling relaxed, serene, full of positivity, and ready for the next great adventure. But wait… where’s the next level? As the saying goes, “good things take time”. At Synctuition we believe that amazing endeavors not only take time, but also dedication, passion, love, and […]